Exclusive opportunity for MPA members from Katahdin

29 Nov

In 2019 John Wilpers was the international speaker at the MPA conference. At that time John was a publishing consultant and the co-editor of the FIPP Publishing Innovation booklet.

During that visit John ran some publisher innovation sessions which were really useful to those who participated. John enjoyed his visit to NZ and has stayed in touch with some of those he worked with so he understands our market. He has now joined a new consulting practice called Katahdin and has made an offer exclusive to the NZ MPA for some one on one publisher consulting sessions. The cost of these sessions is significantly reduced from what was charged during his 2019 visit and reflect his understanding of how small most of our members operations are. The offer has been modelled on a similar programme John has been running with the Alberta MPA in Canada.

“You’re like a life coaches for magazine publishers,” one Alberta magazine CEO told Katahdin after a session.

The first session is FREE and there is no obligation to do more than that.


One of their partners will “sit” down one-to-one with a MPA member (or with their team) to talk about their business and their most immediate issues. They will suggest potential solutions and strategies, and they will leave the publisher with some high-level thoughts for their organization, including new initiatives to meet their unique challenges.

All of the members of the Katahdin team will be available for the sessions, depending on each publisher’s needs for that meeting. If your needs involve revenue, it will be Peter Medwid; if it’s editorial, it will be John Wilpers or Kathleen Capetta; if it is digital audience development, it will be Jeff Howland; if it’s executive management, it will be Kathleen.


1. An initial get-acquainted meeting to establish the publisher’s unique immediate, mid- and long-term needs and goals

2. Multiple potential strategies to address those needs

3. A suggested timetable for implementing those strategies

4. Recommendations of resources to assist in developing those strategies

PRICING: 45-minute meetings for each publisher: $0/publisher TOTAL: $0.00 per publisher per consultation

If, after the initial one to one consultation, individual publishers want to continue working with Katahdin, there are three options to progress to. All costs are in US$.


12 monthly consultations - DELIVERABLES:

1. Building on the goals identified in the initial meeting and the strategies discussed, we will flesh out the details and ID what needs to happen to launch the strategies

2. Create a set of campaigns to complete in the year, starting with solutions for immediate needs, and then setting schedules and mileposts to solve mid-term needs and reach long-term goals

3. Conduct twelve monthly consultations to work on all the above

PRICING: 1. Twelve (12) monthly 90-minute meetings: $225/month/publisher

TOTAL: $2,700 per year per publisher


12 monthly consultations with follow-up support or twice monthly calls -DELIVERABLES:

1. The same as Option #1 plus:

2. Delivery of follow-up materials, research, documents, referrals, etc.


3. Twice monthly 30-minute check-in phone calls


1. Twelve (12) monthly 90-minute meetings: $225/month/publisher

2. Follow-up support: $150/month/publisher


3. Twice monthly 30-minute check-in phone calls: $150/month/publisher

TOTAL: $4,500 per year per publisher


12 monthly consultations with follow-up support AND twice-monthly calls - DELIVERABLES:

1. The same as Option #1 plus:

2. Delivery of follow-up materials, research, documents, referrals, etc.


3. Twice monthly 30-minute check-in phone calls

PRICING: 1. Twelve (12) monthly 90-minute meetings: $225/month/publisher

2. Follow-up support: $150/month/publisher


3. Twice monthly 30-minute check-in phone calls: $150/month/publisher

TOTAL: $6,300 per year per publisher

If you would like to participate in the Initial Consultation phase at no cost and no obligation please get in touch with Trudy Dickinson.

This offer is open until 16 December 2022 OR until the places are filled.